Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Getting your vegetables just keeps getting tastier! V8 V-Fusion® 100% juice isintroducing two new delicious varieties with the on-trend flavors of some oftoday`s hottest superfruits: Goji Raspberry and Passionfruit Tangerine. Like allV8 V-Fusion 100% juices, each 8-ounce glass provides a full serving ofvegetables (1/2 cup) and a full serving of fruit (1/2 cup), plus essentialantioxidant vitamins A, C and E. According to the Produce For Better Health Foundation (PBH), having a variety ofeasy and great tasting options available can help bridge the "vegetable gap" -the difference between what people should eat versus what they actually do eat -each day. Currently seven out of 10 Americans do not meet the daily recommendedintake for vegetables1. However, a survey of more than 1,000 moms conducted byPBH revealed that nine out of 10 feel it`s important to include vegetables andfruit in their family meals2.

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