Wednesday, September 30, 2009


mix1 Beverage Company, an emerging leader in the functional beverage andperformance nutrition category, today announced it has closed its first round ofinstitutional funding, with a $6 million investment from the Highland ConsumerFund.

The funding will be used to accelerate mix1`s ongoing national rollout. Fundswill be used to hire additional staff, provide more marketing support in keyregions, and to enable additional investments in product development andinnovation.

mix1 is a beverage company providing high quality, all-natural products thatsupport health, wellness and performance through functional nutrition. mix1`scurrent product portfolio includes an enhanced protein pre/post-workout and mealreplacement shake, available in tangerine, mango, blueberry-vanilla, key limeand mix-berry; and a high-antioxidant fiber drink with the antioxidants of nineservings of fruits and vegetables, as well as eight grams of fiber, available indark-berry and orange twist. All mix1 products are offered in 11-ounce bottles.

1 comment:

  1. Mix 1 is AWESOME! It tastes like a yogurt drink and comes in great flavors...I drink one every morning after my workout and after any races. I love that it is all natural and has the perfect amount of protein, fat, and calories.
