Monday, October 19, 2009


Tired of using the same old energy shot with just caffeine and B-vitamins? Muscle Milk® Refuel sets a new category standard by providing energy PLUS protein. Muscle Milk Refuel is the first energy shot packed with the powerful combination of caffeine, green tea extract, protein, and our U.S. patented functional energy source Alpha-L-Polylactate™. When taken 3 times a day, the ingredients in Muscle Milk Refuel have shown to increase daily calorie burning by approximately 5% or 100 calories.* Five grams of ultra-pure Whey Protein Isolate and Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's) are added to support muscle tissue and enhance satiety (fullness).* Muscle Milk Refuel delivers Green Tea Extract and its potent antioxidant EGCG, along with caffeine to increase calorie burning.** Alpha-L-Polylactate is an advanced carbohydrate molecule (lactate with acid removed), which has proven in recent double blind studies to buffer lactic acid production in muscle tissue and provide a steady, burning source of carbohydrate energy. Alpha-L-Polylactate in Cytomax® Performance Drink has been found to provide muscle fuel energy three times faster and used three times more efficiently than glucose.

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